How Safe Are Oral Piercings for Your Smile?

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As fashion trends continue, and with the rise in popularity of oral piercings as jewelry, more and more people are having them done. But they aren’t exactly as safe as having the ears pierced, though there are risks associated with those as well. The issue lies with the bacteria in the mouth. There are millions of bacteria in the mouth, and this sticky biofilm increases every time you eat or drink.


Brushing and flossing help to keep harmful bacteria in check, but that doesn’t mean wounds in the mouth aren’t vulnerable. When you have oral metal piercings you invite the following hazards into your smile:



-Blood loss if a blood vessel is punctured in the tongue. This area can bleed profusely.

-A swollen tongue from infection can block the airways, impeding breathing.

-Damage to teeth from the piercing, such as cracks or chips.

-Damage to dental work from the piercing, such as filings and crowns.

-Gum recession from the metal irritating the tissue. Over time this can bring on gum disease and tooth loss.

-Drooling, problems speaking, swallowing and chewing from excess saliva stimulation.

-Blood-borne disease, including hepatitis or endocarditis.


Even with proper care, you have risks from your oral piercings. We encourage you to speak to our dentist before you seek an oral piercing. You can reach our David R Blackhurst DDS team in American Fork, Utah, by calling 801-756-7211 today. Dr. David Blackhurst is happy to work with you for a healthy, confident smile.